Testing uptime of Web Hosting Services
Hosting uptime refers to the amount of time that your website is up and running. It also tells you about the number of visitors and potential clients who come to your site. Best hosting service provides minimum uptime guarantees which is a guarantee that they will make your site up which means they will increase the rank of your site.
How to track your website uptime?
If you want a short answer then you should use web tools to auto-check the site uptime. Several monitoring tools help in checking uptime that is available online some of them are free and some are paid and they are costly. Some methods run simple HTTP checks to confirm whether the site is running, whereas some perform very complex back-end jobs. The monitoring which we can use to check the uptime of the website are - Ping Monitor, HTTP Monitor, DNS Server Monitor, and TCP port Monitor.
Now let's understand the role of each monitoring service:-
Ping Monitor
The main function of Ping Monitor basically pings your website to confirm that it is there, up and running. Ping Monitor also tells that if your site is down, it senses that the site has a missing connection and Ping Monitor notifies you. This tool provides insight into internet connection speeds and downtime statistics. The connection speed in a website is an important factor, because slow websites are not better than down sites for visitors, and it also decreases the rank for your website.
HTTP Monitor
Basically in our general life, we use HTTP to transfer data online, using a set of rules which tells the servers and web browsers that use the information to exchange. HTTP monitors provide information about the HTTP traffic between the internet and computer. For additional insights for your website to check uptime, you need to set additional settings, like an SSL Certificate for your site.
DNS Server Monitor
Each and every computer corresponds with a numerical address, so the function of this DNS Protocol is to translate the online address to a numerical address. The functioning is done by matching information and running the numerical address and this address is monitored by DNS Server. This DNS Server monitor provides full in-depth information about your website uptime, protocol failures, network outages, and many more facilities. DNS server monitor also reports to you if there are errors in your site.
TCP Port Monitor
The Transmission Control Protocol or TCP is used to transfer data from one network device to another network device by using a retransmission strategy which ensures that there isn’t any data loss that occurs during each transmission. As this method is also part of the quality monitoring and it provides a hand in establishing host-to-host communications, this monitor accuracy to check uptime is quite good.
Instead of all the above monitors to check uptime, there are some server monitoring tools that you should consider and they are given below:-
This is an important tool that we can use to automatically monitor our site performance and this tool will publish our site status online. This tool checks our site every minute and finds that whether our site is down or not. If our website is down then this tool will notify us with the help of email, Twilio, and slack. The free plan of this tool helps you to check 50 times in a minute interval with a retention of 6 months.
Go Site Monitor
These tools check your website every 5 minutes if you have a free plan and it also checks per minute if you are using a paid plan. The users also get to track uptime from different locations and this tool also checks your site requirements like SSL certificate, the content of your site, and website performance for better uptime.
Now we will check the uptime of some of the best hosting services of WordPress.
Uptime of Bluehost

As you can see from the above picture that the local time is 1.48 seconds for a Bluehost service. Local time is also known as the uptime of a site. The site which we had used is a reference site.
Uptime of SiteGround

The uptime or local time of SiteGround is less than the uptime of Bluehost and the uptime of SiteGround is 491 ms. This means that your site has fewer chances of degradation and has a success rate.
Uptime of HostGator

The uptime of HostGator is 1.03 sec which is more than the uptime of SiteGround but it is less than the uptime of Bluehost.
Uptime of DreamHost

The uptime of the DreamHost service provider is around 335 ms and it is good for your sie as it will help your site to grow well.
Uptime of Hostinger

Hostinger is the best hosting providing service as in all the hosting services it provides the least uptime i.e. 181 ms which is very good for your site as it will increase the productivity of your site.
Now we had covered each concept which will explain to you how to check uptime and we had also discussed some of the examples of best hosting services. Now you all can test the uptime of your site in WordPress.
Thanks for reading. Hope you liked it.
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